The Personal Databases are a set of databases of information for use with the design wizard and to link to you designs. Different types of templates prompt for this information so storing it in your personal databases makes it easy to access when you create a new design from a template.
Each personal database store a different type of information. For example the Names and Address database stores contact information while the Texts database stores reusable pieces of text. In each personal database you create as many categories as you wish.
To add a category perform the following steps:
1. Select the database you wish to add a category to from the tabs on the left.
2. Click the

3. Enter the name of the new category
4. Click OK.
To delete a category perform the following steps:
1. Select the database for which you wish to delete a category from the tabs on the left.
2. Select the category you want to delete.
3. Click the

To change the name of an existing category perform the following steps:
1. Select the database you wish to change a category in from the tabs on the left.
2. Select the category you want to change.
3. Click the

4. Enter the new category name.
5. Click OK.
To add a record to a databases perform the following steps:
1. Select the database you wish to add a record to from the tabs on the left.
2. Select the category you want to add the record to.
3. Click the Add (+) button.
4. Enter the information.
5. Click the Post (check mark) button.
To delete a record from a database perform the following steps:
1. Select the database for which you wish to delete a record from the tabs on the left.
2. Select the record from the records list.
3. Click the Delete (-) button.
To change a record in a database perform the following steps:
1. Select the database you wish to change a record in from the tabs on the left.
2. Select the record from the records list.
3. Modify the appropriate information.
4. Click the Post (check mark) button.
Also See:
Importing Data into the Names and Texts Database
Exporting Records from a Personal Database